Join Urban Manta on of our upcoming scuba vacations!
I crew on the Ol’ Salty from May-Nov. Come out local diving!
Spring/Summer/Flocal diving off boats, beaches, lakes, the Deep Flooded Mine, etc.
Email me for dates. You must be low vis, nitrox, wreck and deep certified to dive the ocean here. Drysuit is recommended. Hood and gloves are a must (I have these in stock). I need to see you in the water at the lake before we go to the ocean, or you need to show required certs and experience in low vis waters. I can get you there in terms of training. My students dive for free as buddies in the ocean when qualified. Required gear is a reel, knowledge of how to run and follow it, an SMB with spool long enough to shoot from depth, knowledge and skill to shoot it, and a strobe.
Summer & fall: megalodon teeth hunting, NC & SC
Anytime I get my arm twisted: Cave Diving in Mexico or Fl (requires cave certification or willingness to get Cavern certified!)

Massive Jellyfish bloom off Newfoundland during the Arctic on the Edge 2017 expedition led by Jill Heinerth and Ocean Quest!